Laura Ivancie: Not In It For the Wealth
I wonder where Laura will truly end up in her journey. In the brief time she’s been doing her thing, it has included college basketball,fighting fires for the U.S.Forest Service, and teaching English in Buenos Aires. But music was always in the background. Now there’s a coming-out party that puts music front and center.
Latest on Laura
The big theme here is to do music, sure, but there are a few “takeaways”. Start with the Macklemore Thrift Shop Parody for Albertina Kerr Centers. And a few dates to add to the calendar, below. ~Inessa
How It All Began
God, I love smart women. Makes me realize I have so much more to learn in lots of areas. There’s a new direction for Laura. Maybe you’ve seen her behind an acoustic guitar, but the new EP capitalizes on a rich collaboration with Keith Schreiner. Follow along in our conversation. And then, don’t miss a few important dates where things are happening with Laura. The 1st Annual Oregon Women’s Conference is coming up May 9th. And the EP release party happens June 7th at the Star Theatre