Neo Boys: Doing It Their Way


It was the 70’s in Portland and the music scene was dominated by the guys. Until. Punk washed onshore in Portland and everybody was inspired . Including a group of young women who couldn’t be stopped. The power and urgency of the punk movement caught everyone in its wave. Thanks to pioneers like Patti Smith, girls got into the act. In this case as Neo Boys.


The punk movement was a global event. Some of it first appeared as a sort of novelty genre but the era engendered a bleak, political, careless, anarchistic and revolutionary culture in both sound, clothing and attitude. We embraced it by the score. Here in Portland? Of course!



When Dave Scott and I spoke with Neo Boys ahead of their induction, Dave asked a telling question of the group. Did they finally catch up to the times? Their answer is very interesting. Perhaps, they suggested, WE caught up to them. Watch the video portion of the interview and then enjoy the complete unedited conversation, below.





Neo Boys. Playing music on their terms equals PUNK. Our pre-induction interview in the great Classic Pianos is just below along with links to interesting mentions.







Neo Boys Facebook HERE.

Patti Smith ( read her newest book. More HERE). Early writing is HERE.

Rock ‘n’ Roll Camp for Girls details are HERE

Find out more about Brent Angelo and his photographic work HERE.

Check out more 2015 Induction interviews HERE.